MPM Products, which uses only natural, human-grade ingredients in its two core Applaws and Encore brands, is at the forefront of a growing international sector driven by choosy moggies, pooches and their health-conscious owners who also realise good nutrition can help prevent ward pricey vets' bills. Pet food generally is a good place for a business to be right now, with global growth up four per cent. Last year we spent £2.2 billion in the UK feeding our pets with 76 per cent going on dog and cat food. Sales of premium cat foods jumped over 15 per cent.It was this positive context and MPM's international potential to consolidate its early bird position that nailed the major backing from HSBC's international SME fund. Exports to 33 countries already account for 51 per cent of the firm's order book. The new loan and trade finance package will be channelled into product development and accelerating expansion in Asia Pacific and the US."Wherever you see a Starbucks opening up, a market for quality pet food is not far behind," says MPM's managing director Julian Bambridge pinpointing some the economic and social changes that have shaped MPM's portfolio. "Consumers have a greater understanding now of the importance of nutrition, and that trend is translating to their pets. "Ten years ago people who had a dog or cat that scratched all the time or was a bit smelly took it to be normal. But there's a realisation that these common problems can be linked to over-processed food."Britain's foodie revolution, concern about responsible sourcing and quality, took off a decade ago. Now that has extended to dogs and cats." Pets are considered really part of a family these days so get the same treatment as we give ourselves, he believes."Because of that even in hard-pressed times it seems customers are still willing to put their hands in their pockets for their animals," adds Bambridge who has also detected through MPM's overseas sales another cultural shift."We are now selling in Korea and Kuwait, places where traditionally there have been different attitudes to dog owning than in the West."Turnover, £17 million in 2012, is forecast to reach £24 million this year for the firm which recently expanded its workforce to 50. Its Cheshire HQ handles sales, marketing and design. The majority of its 160 product lines, a mix of wet and dry foods, are made in factories in Thailand, Austria and Spain. But the dry cat and dog products it sells in the Britain are manufactured here too.MPM's pioneering alternative packaging formats, such as a cat pot that in one easy peel turns into a bowl, have gone down well with consumers who find tins difficult or have busy modern lifestyles."Being a smaller firm working with partners is an advantage," he explains. "Our production processes are nimble."
Britain's foodie revolution, concern about responsible sourcing and quality, took off a decade ago. Now that has extended to dogs and cats
MPM's managing director Julian Bambridge
Its high protein Applaws label, which serves the specialist pet retail and veterinary markets, targets curious consumers who know about nutrition while its Encore brand sells to supermarkets, Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury's and Ocado. Many of MPM's customers are women or those with smaller dogs, which thrive better on a low bulk diet. The firm started in 2002 when founders businessmen Roger Wood and Roger Coleman looked to buy natural pet products and drew a blank. Bambridge, 41, now has a stake in the firm, and like rest the management team comes from a blue chip corporate background.Most of his time is spent travelling the world setting up new contracts. "Nothing beats face to face meetings," he says, "only after these will I use Skype, never the other way round."Those first-hand experiences will be critical too in getting the most from the HSBC funding and helping with MPM's chief challenges: the logistics of moving more than 300 shipping containers round the globe, dealing in three currencies, sterling, US dollars and euros, and having enough cash in the right place to fund innovation and pay suppliers. Even trade barriers seem less daunting than they used Bainbridge says since MPM cracked one of the toughest, Singapore."The import restrictions are huge, the answer is in how you deal with it. We invest at the start, in the finding the right person in the country who understands how everything works. Do this, you will save money and lick the opposition." * 08707 508606/
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