Ask the Dog Trainer: Ready, steady, come!

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- We are working our way through the four essential commands of dog training.

We started with name recognition. Remember to respond to a cue, the dog needs to know you are speaking to him. When I say a dog's name, it means pay attention.

The second command we introduced is sit. A dog that is sitting is generally pretty pleasant company. Sit fixes jumping. The two actions are mutually exclusive.

The next word to introduce is come. I am not sure there is anything more dangerous or annoying than a dog that does not come when called. It can be hit by a car, attacked by other dogs or just plain wander away, never to be seen again.

I have a specific picture I am looking for when I call a dog to come. My criteria are the dog should come, if not galloping, then in a straight line without delay. It should come close enough I can easily touch their collar. I prefer my dogs to sit at my feet if physically possible.

There are many reasons dogs have slow or non-existent recalls. As puppies, they are often under our feet. We forget to take advantage of this time of attraction to strengthen our recall. Since the puppy was never trained to respond to our specific cue "come," as it gets older and more interested in the outside world, our recall deteriorates. We call our dog repeatedly without success. This weakens our recall.

Sometimes we call our dogs away from having fun to do something that is not enjoyable. This actually teaches your dog coming is not a good option. To have a good recall, come MUST be fun for your dog. Call your dog to play a game, come eat his dinner or go for a walk. Even if your dog is all ready coming for those activities, add the command. It will strengthen the behavior you desire.

To actually practice the come command, start with Spot on a leash in a low distraction environment. Have extra special treats for this exercise. You want "Come" to be fabulous.

Call your dog's name. The instant he looks praise him. As he is moving toward you, add the word "come" in a happy voice. Use his name and the command ONCE. If Spot doesn't start coming toward you, clap your hands, make smoochy noises, run away, wave food, anything you need to do to get Spot headed your way. As soon as Spot starts toward you, begin praising him all the way to you. As soon as Spot arrives at your feet, have him sit. Gently reach out and touch his collar and give him a reward.

The entire sequence for Spot should be come, sit, owner holds the collar and gives a treat. Practice frequently at unexpected times. Give your dog a surprise when he comes, like a piece of meat or a game of tug or a ride in the car.

If you have to do something your dog perceives as unpleasant, just go get him. Do not pair the come command with a disagreeable activity. It will have a negative effect on his response.

Have specific criterion for your recall. For me it is come, sit, touch the collar and give a reward. If your dog understands exactly what that word "come" means, you will have success.

Cissy Sumner of Best Behavior Dog Training is Vero's first Certified Professional Dog Trainer-Knowledge and Skills Assessed and Certified Behavior Counselor Canine-Knowledge Assessed as well as a Consulting Trainer and Behavior Counselor for the Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River County. If you have a training or behavior question, email Cissy at or visit for additional information.

This story is contributed by a member of the Treasure Coast community and is neither endorsed nor affiliated with

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